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Heavenly Hammocks

Heavenly Hammocks

Hammocks originated in Central and South America, namely with the Maya of Mesoamerica and the Taino people of the Bahamas who used them for sleeping. These beds were practical in that it kept them off the cold ground and away from poisonous snakes, insects and other pests as well as providing safety from the spreading of diseases.

These early hammocks were woven out of fibres from the bark of the hamack tree and later from sisal (Agave sisalana) fibres as these were more abundant. It was the Spanish colonists that came across these wonderful beds during the Spanish Conquest. It is even recorded that Columbus wrote in the story of his first voyage: “A great many Indians in canoes came to the ship to-day for the purpose of bartering their cotton, and hamacas, or nets, in which they sleep.”

These hammocks were later adopted for use on ships as it allowed maximum space and comfort for the sailors. By this stage hammocks were made from canvas type fabrics and were far thicker and sturdier, and perhaps not as hygienic. They however continued to grow in popularity, being used by soldiers in both the world wars and Vietnam war. This growth in popularity was not only for their comfort and protection from ground critters, but also due to their soothing swaying motion and their hygiene benefits, when made from more breathable fibres. Before long, they were in demand and the first mass producer popped up in South Carolina in 1889. Today hammocks are popular the world over and are seen as a symbol of leisure, relaxation and easy living.

Interesting fact: A Swiss study in 2011 was published giving a scientific explanation for the world’s love of hammocks. Apparently, a swinging motion synchronizes brain waves which allows for people to fall asleep faster and reach a deeper state of sleep, much like rocking a child to sleep.

Hammocks are a great way to relax in your garden, on the patio or even in your home. With the invention of hammock chairs and light weight, easy to move hammocks, you can jump on the bandwagon and reap the rewards of having your very own hammock at home. Creative living is offering a great discount on our fabric hammock in red and our hanging chair hammock in blue.

To take a look and get your very own little piece of heaven, simply follow the links below:


Rope Hammock


Hanging Hammock Swing Chair Blue

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